The #1 conference for entrepreneurial moms

Never Decide Between Motherhood or Business Again

Discover best practices for designing a life where your business flourishes without sacrificing precious family moments


All sessions will be made available for replay!

Click Here To Save Your Seat!

Tickets start as low as $37

The #1 conference for entrepreneurial moms

Never Decide Between Motherhood or Business Again

Discover best practices for designing a life where your business flourishes without sacrificing precious family moments.


All sessions will be made available for replay!


Tickets start as low as $37


...and more!

Building a Business While Raising Kids Sounded Like a Dream

✓ You could support your family while not missing a memory.
✓ You wouldn’t have to skip a field trip and could volunteer at your kid’s school when you want.
✓ You could create a flexible schedule that fits around your family's needs, not the other way around.
✓ You could build a legacy that secures your family's financial future and sets an example of entrepreneurship for your children.

But that dream quickly turned into chaos with the juggling of growing a business AND keeping a household together.

At Home:

  • The mountain of unfolded laundry has taken over your bedroom.
  • Remnants of toothpaste from 2 weeks ago are still stuck in the kids' bathroom sink.
  • Your kids are late to school again. #momguilt
  • Your marriage is in a rockier place than it's been before.

With Your Business:

  • A massive list of to-dos keeps growing and you don't know where to start.
  • Sales aren't keeping up with expenses.
  • Your latest launch didn't perform like you wanted it to.
  • Balancing marketing, clients, and administration is taking a toll on your energy.

(any of these sound familiar?!)

All leading to a stressed-out mom who is in a constant cycle of guilt.

Guilt for not being present with your family and leaving your house in chaos.

While also feeling guilty for not being ‘far enough along’ in your business.

Which causes you to put in more hours – and build more guilt for the lack of presence.

It’s this endless cycle that feels like you’ll never escape from, am I right?

Perhaps you've recently thought:

"If I Could JUST...
Push through for 2 more hours of work after the kids are asleep.
Convince the kids to watch just one more episode of Bluey so I can finish up emails.
Dedicate another week to wrapping up my new offer.
Skip the weekend family outing to finalize my website.

THEN I’ll finally have enough money to...
Bring in help for the never-ending laundry and household chores.
Plan those much-needed regular date nights to reconnect with my spouse.
Save for that dream trip to Disney World, creating unforgettable memories with the kids.
Treat myself to some well-deserved 'me time'
At last, find the happiness and balance I've been longing for!"

But this thinking often leads you down a path I’m sure you’re already familiar with…


When you hit this level of exhaustion,
being the present mom, loving wife, and successful business owner you want,
feels further out of reach.

And when you find yourself in a home that's more a source of stress than comfort – it feels like you are literally under the huge pile of last week’s laundry, unable to find a way out.

This state of burnout makes it challenging to find fulfillment in any aspect of your life.

But Mama, this is NOT your fault.

There are very few people who truly understand how to grow a business while also raising a family…AND handling everything else around your home.

Which is why I’m so excited to invite you to…

A 3-day virtual event designed to support mom entrepreneurs to become a Mom CEO so they can elevate their home, business AND life without feeling overwhelm.

>> Register Now <<

Your dream life, home AND business are all within reach.

The conference will guide you through the MOM CEO Accelerator method.

Day 1:



You, mama, can achieve your business goals AND be a present mom without having to sacrifice your sanity. We’ll dive into how to gain clarity on where you are going and HOW to get there, leading you to become the CEO of your home, life and business.

LIVE Sessions

- 9-10:30AM PST -

Conference Opening

The 5 Levels of a Mom CEO
with Maria Tedjamulia

- 11AM-Noon PST -

Mom CEO Conversation with

Brooke Hemingway

Available All Day

3+ Expert Masterclasses

(new classes released each day!)

Day 2:



Your home influences every aspect of your life, from family to business. During day 2, you'll learn systems and routines to create a place of productivity and peace that supports your family's happiness and your business growth.

LIVE Sessions

- 9-10:30AM PST -

The Traps Keeping You From Your Success... and how to avoid them.
with Maria Tedjamulia

- 11AM-Noon PST -

Mom CEO Conversation with

Amy McLaren (pre-filmed)

Available All Day

4+ Expert Masterclasses

(new classes released each day!)

Day 3:



The best way to maximize your productivity and get more done in a day? Systems! We'll teach you simple systems that not only increase your efficiency but also free up time for what matters most--your family and your passions.

LIVE Sessions

- 9-10:30AM PST -

Simple Systems & Strategies to Thrive as a Mom CEO
with Maria Tedjamulia

- 12-1PM PST -

(VIP ONLY) Q&A with Conference Speakers

Available All Day

3+ New Expert Masterclasses

(new classes released each day!)

Can't appear live? No Stress!!
ALL Live & Pre-Filmed Sessions will be made available for replay!

This isn’t your average conference;
We’re entrepreneurial parents right in the thick of it with you.

Introducing Our Expert-Led Masterclasses & Powerhouse Speakers

Mom CEO Conference Speaker - Rachel McMichael

3 Ways to Make an Extra $1,000 (or more!) a Month Without Sacrificing Family Time

Rachel McMichael

Business Strategist | Podcaster | Founder of The Business with Impact Academy™

If you want to grow a profitable business WITHOUT having to say no to a field trip or spend your evenings working instead of putting the kids to bed - this masterclass is designed for you. You’ll learn what is most important to focus on in your business to grow to that next income level (whether you are just starting or creating multiple 6 figures) without having to choose between business and motherhood.

Rachel McMichael is a business strategist known for hosting the Business with Impact podcast. As the founder of The Business with Impact Academy™, she guides her clients to scale their coaching, freelance, and online course businesses to $10K months working 4 hours a day, 4 days a week... without sacrificing their family, their free time, or their sanity.

Mom CEO Conference - Brooke Hemingway

Millionaire Mom Roadmap: Balancing Business Success & Family Life (Mom CEO Conversation)

Brooke Hemingway

Mom of 6 | Serial Entrepreneur | Networking Expert

During this Mom CEO Conversation, you'll hear how Brooke Hemingway has navigated the journey of being a mom of six while building a business empire. She'll reveal proven strategies, habits, and mindset adjustments to create a business that supports your dream life, BUT doesn't become your life.

Brooke Hemingway is a mom of six, a serial entrepreneur and a networking expert who has turned her multifaceted life experiences into a 7-figure business. She embodies the role of a Director of Chaos, business strategist, high-performance coach, and mentor, guiding mom entrepreneurs toward achieving their business goals without losing sight of family bliss. Brooke's journey to financial freedom and a fulfilling family life, offers invaluable insights and inspiration for achieving your own version of having it all.

How To Use Your Strengths to Thrive as a Mom & Business Owner

Beth McCord

Enneagram Expert, Author, and Coach | Founder of Your Enneagram Coach

Understanding your Enneagram (personality type) opens a world to better show up as a mom and business owner. Whether it's for your clients, in your marketing, with your kids, or around your house, knowing your strengths lets you elevate every part of your life.

Beth McCord's class dives into how the Enneagram can guide you to use these strengths more every day. You'll learn ways to make family life smoother and help your business grow, all by understanding yourself better.

Beth McCord is a distinguished Enneagram expert, author, and coach, well-known for founding the Your Enneagram Coach community. Starting her seven-figure business in her 40s, Beth has authored 12 books and trained over 2500 Enneagram coaches globally.

Mom CEO Conference Speaker - Amy McLaren

Shedding Self-Doubt for Meaningful Impact as a Mom AND Business Owner (Mom CEO Conversation)

Amy McLaren

Mom of 2 | CEO | Cofounder of Village Impact | Author of Passion to Purpose

In this transformative Mom CEO Conversation, Amy McLaren will share about the journey of overcoming self-doubt to forge a path of significant impact, both within the walls of your home and in the broader world. You’ll learn how to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and motherhood to inspire change and drive purpose in every endeavor.

Amy McLaren is much more than a mom of two and a CEO; she's an embodiment of what it means to live a life fueled by passion and purpose. With roles ranging from adventurer and tea lover to author and philanthropist, Amy's diverse experiences have shaped her into a powerful connector and impact maker. Through her work with Village Impact and beyond, Amy exemplifies how shedding self-doubt can lead to creating lasting, meaningful impacts. Join her as she shares valuable insights on embracing your strengths, overcoming obstacles, and making a difference both at home and in the wider community.

Find Balance in Motherhood and Entrepreneurship Without Sacrificing Your Well-Being or Ambitions

Dr. Zerri Gross, Ph.D. ("Dr. Z")

2x International Best Selling Author | Feminine Energy Therapist

Finding it hard to keep up with being a mom, running a business, and everyday tasks? Learn how to stop feeling like you have to choose. Instead, find out how to tap into your natural feminine energy to fit everything into your life in a way that feels right for you. This new way brings all parts of your life together more smoothly.

Dr. Zerri (Dr. Z) Gross is a 2x International Best Selling Author and is a Feminine Energy Therapist (Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist).  She's also a licensed therapist with a doctorate in counseling psychology. Dr. Z teaches yoga that helps with trauma, coaches on how to blend life and work smoothly, and is a proud retired veteran. She runs Greater Self Therapy, her own therapy practice, and Greater Self LLC, a company focused on wellness and teaching.

Mom CEO Conference  - Patrick Tedjamulia

Three Secrets to Grow Together With Your Partner While Pursuing Your Dreams

Patrick Tedjamulia

CEO Coach | CMO of The Mom CEO School | Author of Discover Possible | x Facebook, Google, Procter & Gamble, and General Mills

Did you know that the divorce rate among business owners is significantly higher than in the general population? Shockingly, around 50% of marriages involving a business owner end in divorce. However, the other 50% have discovered three essential secrets to align their personal ambitions with their relationship goals. In this masterclass, you'll learn the keys to effective communication, shared vision creation, and mutual support, paving the way for a thriving partnership while pursuing individual dreams.

Patrick Tedjamulia is known as the Chief Possibility Officer, for CEOs and entrepreneurs. He's worked with some of the greatest entrepreneurs, creators and CEOs of all time. His experience spans 25 years working with leaders at Facebook, Google,  Procter & Gamble, General Mills, Ford, Qualtrics, Walmart, Made by Mary, Craig Swapp & Associates, Bamboo HR, etc. As CMO of the Mom CEO Conference, he's dedicated to empowering mom entrepreneurs to achieve success in both business and family life. Patrick's passion for supporting family-oriented entrepreneurs stems from his personal journey alongside his wife, Maria, balancing their professional endeavors with raising a vibrant family.

Gain 10 Extra Hours: Secrets to Get More Time for Mom Entrepreneurs

Kristen Van Horn

Certified Life Coach | Systems Strategist and Coach

Did you know you can reclaim up to 10 hours in your week? In this masterclass, designed for mom entrepreneurs, you’ll identify the unnoticed time leaks in your day and receive practical, easy-to-implement strategies to minimize them.  

Kristen VanHorn is a certified life coach and systems strategist for busy entrepreneurs. She’s also a former physical education teacher, a mom of two, and an avid traveler and concert-goer with her husband. She understands the challenges of juggling personal interests with professional ambitions and family responsibilities. She is committed to showing women how to streamline their lives and businesses, ensuring they can enjoy their passions without compromise.

Mom CEO Conference Speaker - Dr. Christine Li

Conquer Procrastination: Get More Done To Free Up More Time for Family

Dr. Christine Li, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist | Procrastination Coach

Overcome procrastination so you gain more time for what matters most—your family. Procrastination happens with so many entrepreneurs, but the good news is, it's something you can overcome. This masterclass will show you how practical strategies to tackle tasks right away, freeing up more time for your family, getting more done in business, and allowing you to have time for yourself. 

Dr. Chrisine Li is a psychologist who specializes in beating procrastination. She has helped many through her workshops in New York City and at institutions like Columbia University. Whether it's managing home tasks, meeting business deadlines, or finding time for yourself, Dr. Li's guidance is here to transform the way you approach your daily challenges, making procrastination a thing of the past.

Embracing Calm Amidst the Chaos: Strategies for Mom Entrepreneurs

Dr. Rishma Walji, Ph.D.

Naturopathic Doctor and Ph.D. | Podcaster | TEDx Speaker

Struggling to stay calm and find peace amidst a whirlwind of appointments, sick kids, and life's endless curveballs? There’s constantly something coming our way as moms and business owners. During this masterclass, you’ll learn how to make better decisions by understanding how your feelings and awareness affect your choices for a successful and fulfilling life.

Dr. Rishma Walji trained as a Naturopathic Doctor and Ph.D. She spent over 20 years in clinical practice helping patients make big decisions about health, hormones and family. She's currently writing a book about intentional decision-making. A lot of her work is related to awareness and emotion that can either guide or mislead our life choices. She is host of the XO Conversations Podcast and a TEDx speaker.

Creating Increased Energy To Excel as a Business Owner AND Mom

Lizzy Cangro, MSc, MA, ANutr, PGCE

Nutritionist | Wellness Coach | Multi-Award Winning Author

Do you feel too tired by the afternoon, finding it hard to keep up with your kids all day? This special class is made for busy mom entrepreneurs like you. It will show you ways to keep your energy up from morning to night, even when your schedule is packed.

Lizzy Cangro is an expert nutritionist, wellness coach and multi-award-winning author who helps busy, high-achieving women balance their hormones so that they can feel better within as little as 4 weeks, even when life is busy.

Holding a Masters in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge and a Masters in Nutrition from King’s College London, she combines science with an empathetic understanding to help women reconnect with their incredible bodies so they can stop struggling and start thriving.

Nutrition Secrets for Mom Entrepreneurs: Building Healthy Foundations for a Happy Home and Thriving Business

Ahuva Zauderer

Holistic Nutritionist | Founder of Healthy Kids Happy Moms

If your kids aren't healthy and happy, it stands in the way of everything else—your peace of mind, the harmony in your home, and even the success of your business. This masterclass will teach you practical strategies to have your children thrive in health and happiness. 

Ahuva Zauderer is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and the visionary behind Healthy Kids Happy Moms. Her guiding principle is "kids do well when they feel well". As a mom of 8 and grandmother to 8, she understands the challenges and rewards of nurturing a large family. 

Ahuva has dedicated her career to empowering moms by sharing her insights into how proper nutrition and a deep understanding of each child's individual needs can lead to a healthier and calmer home life.

Empowering Mom Entrepreneurs: Setting Tech Boundaries for Kids in a Digital World

Forest Bronzan

CEO of Camplight | Board of Directors at Digital Detox

Are your kids ALL about technology? In today’s world, finding the right balance with technology at home can be tricky, especially when you’re a mom also building a business. This masterclass offers insights into using technology to enhance, not disrupt, home life. You'll learn strategies for integrating technology in ways that support your family’s well-being and growth. 

Forest Bronzan is the CEO of Camplight, a community that guides parents on tech and kids, and is on the board of directors at Digital Detox, reaching partners in 80 countries. As a dad of two, he knows the challenges and benefits tech brings to family life. Forest travels the globe teaching families how to make technology work for them in a healthy, positive way.

The 3 Secrets to Thriving as a Mom CEO: How to Balance Being a Present Mom & a Successful Entrepreneur

+ Host of the Conference

Maria Tedjamulia, MBA

Mom of 5 | Master Certified Financial Coach | #1 International Bestselling Author | Founder of the Mom CEO School & Conference

As the host and speaker, Maria will guide you each day on becoming the CEO of your life, home and business. Understanding the overwhelm and chaos that comes with juggling family and business, she will share real-life tools and strategies that have helped her—and can help you—reclaim your home, organize your life, and grow your business. From practical tips on setting and hitting business goals to creating a home environment that supports your success, Maria will cover it all.

By the end of these three days, you'll have a path forward to becoming the CEO of your own life and business. You’ll learn how to cut through the chaos, prioritize what truly matters, and build a life that blends entrepreneurial success with family happiness – without sacrificing either.

Maria is the founder of Mom CEO School & Conference. She is a wife and mother of five and a three-time business founder, has an MBA, and is an International Best Selling Author. It's her passion and goal to help moms streamline the business of their homes so they can focus more on the joy that can come from parenting & pursuing their passions. The Mom CEO School provides Moms with the strategies, systems, training, coaching, and peer network they need to strengthen their home while achieving what they're called to do.

Mama, you don't have to sacrifice your family to pursue what you're being called to do.

Here's What You'll Get:

The power-packed virtual Mom CEO Conference brings together experts to give you the exact tools you'll need to thrive as a mom and an entrepreneur.

Full Access: 10+ Expert Masterclasses

You’ll receive access to over 10 training sessions from top experts, each capable of charging thousands for just one class. These leading experts share their strategies and insights to enhance both your home and business, all included in your access. You’ll no longer feel like you have to choose between motherhood and business anymore.

1 Week Replay Access

Missed a session? No worries! Unlike attending in-person events, you'll have an extended 1-week window to replay and absorb every valuable insight at your convenience.

Comprehensive Event Workbook

Stay organized and focused with our detailed event workbook, designed to help you capture key takeaways and actionable steps from each session. This means after the event wraps up, you’ll still have action steps to move forward with.

Exclusive Bonuses from Experts

Enhance your learning with special bonuses provided by our experts. These exclusive resources are tailored to give you an extra edge in your journey, allowing you to thrive in both motherhood and business.

PLUS! When you Join the VIP EXPERIENCE, you will also unlock these amazing bonuses:

VIP EXCLUSIVE: LIVE Interactive Q&A Session with Speakers

Engage directly with our speakers in a live, interactive Q&A session via Zoom. Ask your burning questions, seek advice, and connect personally with industry leaders. These speakers, who often charge thousands for such intimate access, are ready to support your growth as a mom entrepreneur. (Included in VIP Upgrade)

VIP: Extended Unlimited Access to Replays

Revisit the wisdom and guidance from the conference at your leisure with unlimited access to all session replays. Perfect for refreshing your knowledge and revisiting inspirational moments. (Included in VIP Upgrade)

VIP: Private Mom CEO Conference Podcast Channel

We know the convenience of audio for on-the-go learning so you’ll receive exclusive access to a private podcast channel. You’ll be able to listen to the valuable classes from the Mom CEO Conference wherever you are, right from your phone, making it easy to learn. (Included in VIP Upgrade)

VIP: Mom CEO Ultimate Handbook
Ever wondered if your family would have what they need if you weren't there, whether you're traveling for business or in the hospital? Get the Mom CEO Ultimate Handbook for essential info at their fingertips. Free for VIPs. ($97 value) (Included in VIP Upgrade)

All designed to help you prioritize family while running a thriving business.

While each session alone can be valued at over $197 - you won’t need to pay that to access the training.

...Actually, you’ll get access to 10+ trainings for much less than that.

Choose Your Mom CEO Conference Experience

VIRTUAL: MARCH 5-7, 2024




General Ticket ($1,497 value!)

  • Full Access: 10+ Expert Masterclasses
  • 1-Week Replay Portal Access
  • Comprehensive Event Workbook
  • Over $1,000 worth of Exclusive Bonuses from Experts
  • BONUS: *LIVE* Interactive Q&A Session with Speakers where you can ask questions and connect
  • BONUS: Private Podcast Channel for VIPs to listen to the Mom CEO Conference easily on the go!
  • BONUS: Mom CEO Ultimate Handbook to ensure the essential details are in order on the home front
  • ...and more valuable surprises!




VIP Experience ($3,497 value!)

  • Full Access: 10+ Expert Masterclasses
  • 1 Week Unlimited Access to Replays
  • Comprehensive Event Workbook
  • Over $1,000 worth of Exclusive Bonuses from Experts
  • BONUS: *LIVE* Interactive Q&A Session with Speakers where you can ask questions and connect
  • BONUS: Private Podcast Channel for VIPs to listen to the Mom CEO Conference easily on the go!
  • BONUS: Mom CEO Ultimate Handbook to ensure the essential details are in order on the home front ($97 value)
  • ...and more valuable surprises!

Can't appear live? No Stress!!
ALL Live & Pre-Filmed Sessions will be made available for replay!

We truly believe in the life-changing value of our conference, so we offer a full money back guarantee if you complete your trainings and coaching and still feel dissatisfied with the value you're receiving. Trust us, the insights and connections you'll gain are well worth the investment in your future as a Mom CEO!

Wondering if the Mom CEO Conference is for you?


  • are tired of staying up after midnight to get stuff done and you’re feeling deep down that there must be a better way.
  • have Pinned countless "tools" and tried new systems, but nothing's actually "stuck".
  • love being a mom but feel somehow you've lost that spark and excitement for parenting.
  • are ready to find freedom and success, but just aren't quite sure how to do it with kids around.
  • want your kids' childhood to be filled with more than just your endless hours of work, bills, and laundry.

But if you're wondering...

"Do I even have time for this?"

We totally get it. Your plate is already overflowing with mom duties and business tasks.

That's exactly why The Mom CEO Conference is tailored to fit into your busy life.

Our masterclasses are concise, delivering impactful insights without eating into your valuable time.

Plus, you have the freedom to tune in on your own schedule.

You'll have 1 week of complimentary access to all sessions. And if life's demands mean you need more time, upgrading to VIP gives you a whole year to revisit and absorb the wisdom at your pace.

Just slip on your air pods while you tackle your to-do list and transform learning into an effortless part of your day.

Worried it won’t fit your unique situation?

Don’t be. Our lineup of experts brings a variety of strategies and insights that you can mix and match to suit your own mom entrepreneurial journey.

No matter where you're at – just starting out or knee-deep in family and business life – there’s something here for you. Promise.

In fact, we’ve created this conference to be different than any trainings you’ve attended.

Why? Because it's specifically crafted for mom entrepreneurs like you, balancing the intersection of motherhood and entrepreneurship.

We get it—you're not just a mom or an entrepreneur; you're a masterful blend of both. And our speakers? They're right there with you, navigating the same journey, juggling family and business with grace and grit.

It’s not about choosing between business success and family time. It’s about fully embracing both.

Because we know the incredible impact that awaits when you truly step into your potential as both a mom and an entrepreneur…

It's about waking up full of energy, not just to keep up with your kids but also to wow your clients, all because you've nailed down how to fuel yourself for top-notch performance.

And about being at the park with your kids, your phone tucked away or only coming out to snap those precious moments. You're there, truly there, soaking up the sunshine and the giggles, fully present and loving it.

And about having those genius systems in place that cut through the daily chaos so you don’t have to shove a mountain of laundry out of view for your next business Reel or Zoom call because, hey, you’ve got this organization thing down.

It’s about the CONFIDENCE that comes when the chaos diminishes and you feel in control of both your home and business life.

This is what we’ll be teaching you inside the Mom CEO Conference.

And you can join us for as little as $37!

Choose Your Mom CEO Conference Experience




General Ticket ($1,497 value!)

  • Full Access: 10+ Expert Masterclasses
  • 1-Week Replay Portal Access
  • Comprehensive Event Workbook
  • Over $1,000 worth of Exclusive Bonuses from Experts
  • BONUS: *LIVE* Interactive Q&A Session with Speakers where you can ask questions and connect
  • BONUS: Private Podcast Channel for VIPs to listen to the Mom CEO Conference easily on the go!
  • BONUS: Mom CEO Ultimate Handbook to ensure the essential details are in order on the home front
  • ...and more valuable surprises!




VIP Experience ($3,497 value!)

  • Full Access: 10+ Expert Masterclasses
  • 1 Week Unlimited Access to Replays
  • Comprehensive Event Workbook
  • Over $1,000 worth of Exclusive Bonuses from Experts
  • BONUS: *LIVE* Interactive Q&A Session with Speakers where you can ask questions and connect
  • BONUS: Private Podcast Channel for VIPs to listen to the Mom CEO Conference easily on the go!
  • BONUS: Mom CEO Ultimate Handbook to ensure the essential details are in order on the home front ($97 value)
  • ...and more valuable surprises!

You Have Questions. We Have Answers.

What times will the sessions be on March 5-7th, 2024?

This event will be held online from March 5-7th, 2024.

We get it, though. You're likely a busy mom running a business + running carpool, and sitting at your computer for 3 days of sessions can feel like a lot. Don't you worry! This conference is designed with YOU in mind.

Each day will have both LIVE and pre-filmed segments, so that you don't have to feel like you have to be on all day long, but so that you can choose & watch the majority of the conference on your time.

Each day begins with LIVE Session from 9-10:30am PST (10am MST/11am CST/12pm EST)

On Days 1 & 2, an additional Live Session will be streamed from 11am-12pm PST (10am MST/11am CST/12pm EST).

On Day 3, there will be an exclusive LIVE Q&A session from 12-1PM, with conference speakers for VIP ticket holders. So be sure to get your VIP ticket so that you can jump in and chat with the speakers and have the chance to get your questions answered!

If you're unable to attend the conference live sessions at the scheduled times, don't sweat. Unlike many conferences where you have to attend LIVE or get nothing at all, we've designed it so you can watch it for up to 1 full week after it's been aired. Yep - 7 full additional days of replay at no additional cost!

(oh, and if you have a VIP Upgrade, you get unlimited access to these impactful masterclasses! How cool is that?!!)

What if I can't attend all the days?

We get it. Life is busy, especially as a mom with kiddos around. That's why we've designed the conference with you in mind. If you miss a session, catch the replays -- 1 week access for General Admission participants, unlimited access for VIP Mom CEOs.

When will the Live Q&A With the Speakers be held?

When you join as a Mom CEO VIP, you will have an exclusive Q&A call with speakers where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact. This will be held on the final day of the conference, Thursday, March 7th at 12pm PST and promises to be a good time!

What is your refund policy?

We truly believe in the life-changing value of our conference, so we offer a full money back guarantee if you complete your trainings and coaching and still feel dissatisfied with the value you're receiving. Trust us, the insights and connections you'll gain are well worth the investment in your future as a Mom CEO!

Who do I contact for support?

If you have any support needs or questions, please reach out to: (this email goes directly to us!)

Consider the Alternatives...

You could spend countless hours digging through endless online articles, blogs, and free webinars, trying to piece together the same insights. But why navigate this maze alone when the conference brings it all to you, curated and concise?

You might consider enrolling in expensive courses for each topic of interest - relationships, money management, time management, and more. But these can quickly add up, costing you thousands, without the community support and direct access to experts that our conference offers.

Or, you could attend countless separate seminars and workshops, each focusing on just one aspect of what we cover in our conference. This piecemeal approach not only drains your wallet but also your time and energy, without the cohesive, integrated learning experience our the Mom CEO Conference provides.

...Or You Could Join Us!
For less than the cost of a Chick-fil-A family dinner, choose the smarter path. Join us at the virtual Mom CEO Conference to save time, money, and energy, gaining the knowledge, networks, and tools you need as a mom entrepreneur in one go. Don't settle for the fragmented, costly alternatives. Opt for the complete, enriching experience that you and your family deserve.

A Note from Maria...

Hey there, Maria here!

If we haven't met yet, HI!!! 👋🏽

I'm a mom of 5, multi-passionate business geek, and #1 popcorn fan. (extra butter, please.)

And I know the rollercoaster you are on as a mom and entrepreneur.

When my second baby was only 3 weeks old, our family moved hundreds of miles and my life felt completely out of control.

My house was a constant mess, as were my emotions. I couldn't seem to stay on top of anything.

But once I decided to apply leadership principles learned from business school and my career in my own home, I slowly began to find freedom from the overwhelm and joy again in motherhood.

One of the first steps I took as a busy, overtired mom was seeking out advice from moms who had been down this road before. I spent years searching and learning.

In this conference, we're bringing together the best experts for you to learn from, saving you years of diligent searching for advice that works for entrepreneurial moms like us.

You don't have to stay stuck at this crossroads, feeling torn between being a mom and running your business. You can find fulfillment in both.

You can create an environment that nurtures your growth and have the energy to show up as your best self every day.

This is your invitation to step into a brighter future, where you no longer have to compromise your dreams for your family or your family for your dreams.

Let this conference be the turning point where you say 'yes' to a life of fulfillment, success, and happiness as both a mom and an entrepreneur.

The journey ahead is promising, filled with the potential for transformation and achievement.

The question isn't if you can have it all, but when will you decide to take that first step. Let's make that decision today.

You’ve got this, mama.

xo, Maria

Don't miss out.
Get your ticket to the Mom CEO Conference today and become the successful mom and business leader you know you can be!

REMEMBER: ALL sessions will be made available for replay!
Join us whether you can show up live or need to listen to the replays.
